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·Hemu, the beautiful back garden of Kanas  ·The paleo house of Xuzhou: Zheng Courtyard  ·Xinjiang Uygur: sing and dance the nation  ·Ili Sailimuhu, Xinjiang  ·Windmill Kingdom: Amsterdam, Netherlands  ·Peking Opera: the most representative drama of Chinese opera  ·underground river of Lianzhou  ·Wudangzhao Lamasery  ·Natural cave: Wuhan Jiangxia Baegundong, HubeiHubei Province  ·How Beautiful is Doha, the capital city of Qatar  ·Peony: flower of the King  ·Amazing marine life: a happy underwater world  ·Shenyang Palace Museum  ·Modern-style building: China National Grand Theatre  ·Berne Scenery in Switzerland  
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